
Saturday 17 December 2016


As a christian there are things so important to be BEWARE of so that u know when u are gradually drifting away.......
*BEWARE when you now take more time to chat rather reading(esp the word of God).
*BEWARE when praying becomes a difficult thing to do...
*BEWARE when you get entice by every fantasy of the earth.
*BEWARE when fasting becomes a history to you.
*BEWARE when you start hearing your thoughts more than you hear the voice of God.
*BEWARE of that time you start doing what you like,when you like and how u like it rather than the way God pleases because his word says that he died so that dose that would live will no longer live for themselves but for christ(2 corithians 5v14-end.)
*BEWARE when the doctrines of these world mostly churches begins to kill the holy ghost movement in your life.because becoming to doctrinal is to kill the holy ghostic movement in your life. 
*BEWARE when you now live to please man and yourself rather than God.
*BEWARE when the gathering of the saints means nothing to you anymore,giving reasons like there my job dose not give me time anymore.
*BEWARE of such friends that can't ask you when last you read the word of God.
*BEWARE when you these three greatest enemy of spirituality,FOOD,SLEEP &SEX are creeping in your life.
*BEWARE when everybody's opinion to you is not worth giving a thought.
*BEWARE when u are gradually loosing spiritual sensitivity.
*BEWARE when you are always where u are not needed.
*BEWARE when hose things you think you have conquered are at your door steps again.
* BEWARE WHEN YOU START LOOSING GOD!!!!my dear the only life worth living is that lived for God and none else. life is too short to be wasted on useless things. LIVE 4 GOD!!!!!

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